Joe Meldrum came to speak to us again today, he came to speak to us last year and I learnt quite a lot from him so I was looking forward to the lecture again. He started off the lecture by telling us three golden rules when it comes to promoting and business. The rules were:
What do you want to achieve
What do your audience want to know
Client building - maintaining relationships - say thank you
The rest of the information he spoke to us about I wrote down in note form and they pretty much explain themselves so below are the notes that I took:
He now does work for Wild Inventions
Develop contacts through word of mouth as that can really help - he currently doesn’t have a website for his design business but has 4 jobs all through contacts he knows and his friends/family know
Uses Behance to post his projects online and get feedback on
Facebook is good for promoting events
Twitter is more for business and sharing other people’s work - 80% on personal feed should be other people’s work, 20% should be your own work
Instagram - use hashtags to help promote/sell work
Go on Plymouth Culture’s website
Useful contacts are people that have been in the industry for a while as well as students
You are probably only 1 or 2 people/steps away from a useful opportunity - I could be for someone else as well
Be sure about who you are
