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Millennium image bank

Writer's picture: Lily Newman Lily Newman
  • Millennium accommodates more than 45,000 contemporary photographic images from 1000 photographers.

  • Their aim for the website is to branch a common gap between artistic endeavour and commercial success. They sell reproduction rights, which I don't actually know what that is so I have googled it. 'Right of reproduction is defined as including but not limited to, the following: reproduction of works of fine art as prints suitable for framing; facsimile casts of sculpture; reproductions used for greeting cards; reproductions in general books and magazine not devoted primarily to art, and in newspapers in other than art or news sections, when such reproductions in books, magazine and newspapers are used for purposes similar to those of material for which the publishers customarily pay; art films, television, except from stations operated for educational purposes, or on programs for educational purposes from all stations; and posters, billboards, films or television'. I think this is a really good idea as I have never seen anywhere else sell this before. They also put on exhibitions, sell prints and undertake portfolio reviews - which could be really useful.

  • They're not publicly funded and get all their funds from commercial activities.

  • They work with many organisations supplying images for magazines, advertising and book covers around the world.

  • They have always had an aim to engage with and support young and upcoming photographers.

  • They have strong relationships with photographic colleges and festivals all around the UK and across the globe, which is where they source a lot of their imagery.

  • The site has been around for more than 20 years so the young people who they supported all those years ago are now well known and well established photographers which was really interesting and inspiring to read.

  • Based in Hackney, London.

I wanted to know how to find images and photographers on the website:

  • When you use the database you can begin by typing in a keyword of your choice and pressing the keyword search button.

  • After that you may search within that search, magnify an image, create a lightbox, download a free comp image, download high res images, request prices and much more. Please also try our Intuitive Search facility which gives you a selection of visually similar images to one that you have clicked on.

  • If you have a specific search and wish us to put it out to our registered photographers please go to our solution The Interface.

  • All images on this site are the copyright of Millennium Images / contributing photographers.

  • No use apart from mock-ups may be made of any of these images without the consent of Millennium.

I then found the link to be able to buy prints online. 'Milim Gallery offers a selection of fine art photographic prints for sale. Unless otherwise stated these are in limited editions  and are accompanied by a certificate stating the print edition number, signed by the photographer, and authenticated by Millennium's seal'.

There's a big list of photographers to buy prints from. You can buy from their main collection and then you can also buy from their exhibition series and competition winners work as well.

I then found the piece of information that I was hoping I could find, how to submit my own photography work:

  • Email, deliver to post some examples of your work, include return postage if sending by post.

  • Send a full caption of information and any previous sales information - all images are held as digital files.

  • They offer a three year contract, over this period I would license them to sell reproduction rights to my pictures. I would retain the copyright. I could also continue to exhibit my work and use it for my own self promotion.

  • Amounts raised by sales depend on the rights required by clients.

  • They're members of the British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies (BAPLA).

  • If they decided to accept a photographer as a contributor they generally take between 20-40 images upon first submission.

This all sounds really exciting and is definitely something that I will want to do in the future as I really want to be able to get my work out there but I never know how to do it, so once I have a project that I like and I really connect with and really love I will submit some work and see what response I get from them. I will need to research a lot into it all before I went ahead with anything if they decided to accept me.

I was going to create an account but I was unsure about two of the questions at the end so I have left it for now but am going to make an account in the future.

It was really nice to research into Millennium Images because I have never heard from them before but they give really good opportunities and I know will be really beneficial to me in the future and possibly even while I'm still studying because I'm a new emerging photographer. I'm really intrigued to find out how I could become part of their family and what different opportunities it will give me.

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