Becky and Paul which are two people from the careers office became up to talk to us today about portfolio careers. I had never heard of a portfolio career before so I was intrigued into what this was...
What is a portfolio career?
A portfolio career is a career (not a job) where instead of working a traditional full time job, you work multiple part time jobs with different employers which when all combined equal a full time job position. These part time jobs could include any of these:
Part time employment
Temporary jobs
Self employment

Having listened to the type of jobs that come with having a portfolio career I decided to think about whether I would like to do them or whether I can imagine myself doing any of them.
Part time job - I already have a part time job alongside my studies so I could easily do a part time job but couldn't live off the pay.
Temporary jobs - I din't think I could do this because I would never know how long I would be in that job for so I wouldn't be able to plan my finances very far in advance
Freelancing - with being freelance there comes a lot of planning which I have researched in a separate post and I'm still unsure whether I would want to do this
Self employment - I looked at this the same time I looked into freelancing but I'm not sure whether I would go straight into this
Ideally I would like to work for someone on client briefs and then go travelling for my own personal work or get paid to travel for my job
On the careers toolkit there is a section with industry links which gives us a lot of links for different types of jobs and vacancies which I am definitely going to use.
Becky and Paul were then available for one to one chats but we wanted to go as a group as we don't really know what we want to do so they just spoke us through some general information and told us that if we ever needed anything to pop down and speak to them or book an appointment to see them or to book an appointment at the 'Careers Clinic' which happens every month.
