I have thought that I should do a skills audit to work out what my strengths and weaknesses are. I didn't really know what a skills audit was so I had to google it. 'A skills audit is essentially a process for measuring and recording the skills of an individual or group. The main purpose for conducting a skills audit in an organisation is to identify the skills and knowledge that the organisation requires, as well as the skills and knowledge that the organisation currently has.'
I have completed the skills audit using the online toolkit to work out what I need to focus on. There were a lot of questions but they were all questions that I should be thinking about, some of them I have never even thought of. I have received my results of my skills audit. I have been given a summary radar graph highlighting my strengths as well as areas to improve on. From my understanding I have quite a good understanding of technology, professionalism and communication but the areas I need to work on are commercial awareness, personal planning and work readiness and analysing and problem solving, which I would agree with.
My key areas for self improvement:
Ability to network easily with other people
Tip- Improve the mood of the group. Be positive. Be fun. Be appreciative of other people. Be full of good ideas. Do your part to make the environment a good one.
Communication on Lynda.com
Ability to express yourself clearly and talk about your work to a group of people
Tip- Please take some time to discuss this with your lecturer or program leader
Ability to effectively listen to others views and ideas and understand their point of view and what they require from you.
"There is a difference between listening and waiting for your time to speak" - Simon Sinek
All of this information has been really helpful to me.