Untitled March 2002
When I first saw this work the first thing that I thought about was what is it about as it's untitled? From looking at the image I thought that it could have been about a fully grown adult who hasn't quite grown up as they're playing around with a mask. From making this assumption I wanted to research what the image was actually about. The image also intrigued me because of how unusual it is and is similar to what I want to create.
Described as 'quietly contemplative yet intensely evocative'. Starkey's images explore the physical and psychological connections between the person and their everyday surrounding. Ever since she started her career in photography, Starkey has worked predominantly with women as her subjects. She works closely with actresses and anonymous women she meets on site to create scenes. The colours of the backgrounds that she uses along with the imagery trigger 'personal interpretations and a deeper mediation on the experience of the visual world at large.'
This is the exact thing that her image below made me do. She wants all of her images to have their on unique story to everyone, which I think is very clever and the complete opposite to Tracey Moffatt who has a clear meaning behind her images. I think comparing both Starkey and Moffatt together I am definitely more drawn to Moffatt's work because of the conceptual elements but with the uniqueness of the images I prefer Starkey's but I think Moffatt's is definitely closer to the images I want to produce concept wise.