This afternoon I was briefed on my contextual studies brief. When I first heard I was getting a brief on contextual studies I was really worried because I was a little bit confused about Monday's contextual studies session. My nerves were soon settled when we spoke through some photographic artists that link to what we spoke about the other day. There was a couple that I was really interested in so I would like to research into them further:
JJ Levine - Alone Time
I was really drawn into the project Alone Time because of the thought and the skill that has gone into this project. Alone Time is a series of images of couples sharing intimate moments of their home life, each 'couple' however aren't a couple, they are a single model acting and modelling out both male and female characters in the same image. The images are all really believable and I never realised until I was told that it was the same model just digitally edited onto the same frame. Even after being told I still couldn't tell which to me was a sign of a project done well. Levine's idea behind the images was to 'By demonstrating an individual body’s capacity to engagingly and believably embody two genders, my project questions the mainstream depiction of binary gender roles. This conceptual decision to double the gender presentation of a single body challenges normative ideas surrounding gender presentation and instead implies that gender expression can be fluid and multiple'. The images are made by the individual images being shot on slide film and then are scanned, layered and digitally collaged to create the final depiction of 'two characters'. No aspect of the models gender is digitally altered. In Levine's statement they say exactly what I said about seeing no difference in the characters knowing they were both the same gender 'the images are successful because they are visually convincing without manipulation of the subjects’ body through means other than makeup, costume, and pose, further emphasising the notion that gender is malleable'.
Jon Uriarte - The men under the influence
I couldn't find out as much information about Uriate's work and project as Levine but I was drawn to it because of the brief explanation I had about his work. To create his project he uses male models and dresses them up in their partners clothing. There's a humour element to his photos because of how the men stand and react when they're in women's clothing.